Fecc becomes partner of Parliamentary intergroup ‘Sustainable, Long-Term Investments & Competitive European industry’
Fecc has become accredited partner of the European Parliament’s newly formed intergroup “Sustainable, long-term Investments & Competitive European Industry” for the legislative period 2019-2024. The Intergroup, which was formally launched in Strasbourg on 13 February, brings together more than 100 MEPs from across the political spectrum and is steered by a Bureau co-chaired by Portuguese MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho (EPP), French MEP Dominique Riquet (Renew) and Italian MEP Simona Bonafè (S&D). The aim of the Intergroup is to offer a platform for exchange with political, industry and societal stakeholders to promote dialogue on the future of the industry and long-term investments in Europe.