Fecc Ethical and Business Principles

The Ethical and Business Principles (hereafter – the Principles) is a voluntary initiative of the undersigned companies (hereafter – the Companies) that intend to demonstrate their commitment to conducting business in an ethical manner.

The Companies commit to act in strict compliance with the letters and spirits of the laws, regulations and policies they are subject to. The Companies are committed to integrity in their business, in their dealings with customers, suppliers and competitors and towards employees and the public.
The Companies are committed to take responsibility for their activities in all their work environments. The Companies shall maintain the highest standards of business ethics, competition compliance, as well as compliance with all relevant and applicable laws and regulations. Working according to the Principles will strengthen the integrity of the Companies in the eyes of their suppliers, customers, competitors, employees and other interested parties, and contribute to the preservation of their good name and reputation.
All employees of the Companies are expected to be familiar with the Principles and apply the Principles in their daily business responsibilities. The Companies are responsible for informing their employees, sub-contractors and business partners of the Principles.
Respect of competition law is a core value for the Companies. Fecc has developed the Fecc Governance and Compliance Policy, including guidance for staff and members involved in Fecc activities. The Companies are committed to comply with the Fecc Governance and Compliance Policy.

The Companies are committed to promote and comply with the EU competition legislation. All employees of the Companies will act in accordance with any national competition laws and regulations that apply to the business activities of the Companies.

The Companies apply the principles of fairness and honesty in its dealings with customers and suppliers. No business will be conducted with business partners or state authorities who practice illegal activities.

The Companies strive for a long-term partnership with their customers and make efforts to offer them quality products and services including the necessary information and support.
Many of the Companies perform business in many countries and, as a result, the Companies are subject to the laws and regulations of several countries, provinces, states, and municipalities. The Companies are committed to comply with national and international law and good practices. They shall operate in a way which supports the positive reputation of the chemical industry. The Companies also commit themselves to be respectful of values and customs of the communities and countries where they conduct their business.
The Companies acknowledge the importance of honesty, incorruptibility, and justice in their business. Furthermore, the Companies are aware of their obligations to prevent any forms of active or passive corruption (such as blackmail, offers of influence, promises and gifts) to government officials, political parties, party officials, or candidates for public office, etc., for the purposes of obtaining or retaining business advantages.

The Companies will promote and implement the principles of sustainable development in their operations by:

  • adding to the Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) knowledge of their employees
  • implementing legislation which relates to the protection of HSE
  • cooperating with customers and suppliers to avoid HSE damage

In recognition of the Joint Responsible Care/Responsible Distribution (RC/RD) Programme of the International Chemical Trade Association (ICTA), the Companies affirm their commitment to Sustainable Development and to the Guiding Principles outlined in the RC/RD ICTA Joint Programme.


The Companies expect their suppliers and subcontractors to comply with similar ethical and business principles.

This document provides only summaries and some highlights of the policies and minimum standards which are particularly important to the Companies. Additional policies, procedures and standards remain valid. The Fecc Ethical and Business Principles do not endow any rights upon any party.